You are here: Vietnam Cuisine - Mango (Xoai)

Mango (Xoai)

Mango (Xoai)

Mango plants, xoai in the Vietnamese language, are grown in most southern provinces. The most reputed mangoes come from Cao Lanh distric in Dong Thap province.

When the fruits are ripening they need large amount of bright sunshine. The more sunshine the maturing fruit receives, the stronger its flavour wiil be and the brighter its skin will look.

Mangoes are divided into several kinds, known locally as the xoai cat, xoai tuong, xoai voi, xoai xiem and xoai ngua, to cite just a few. The finest mango is xoai cat. The fruit has a brighter yellow peel and a rounder shape and weighs as much as kilograms.

The meat is tendered, sweeter and more fragrant than that of other varieties.

Connoisseurs are said to find it hard to forget the test xoai cat has to offer.

Mango (Xoai)

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