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Pho (Rice noodle soup)

Pho, a typical dish of Hanoi people, has been existing for a long-time.

Pho is prepared not only in a sophisticated manner but also in the technique which is required to have sweet but pure bouillon, soft but not crashed noodle, soft and sweet-smelling meat.
Only in cold days, having a hot and sweet-smelling bowl of Pho to enjoy, would make you experience the complete flavor of the special dish of Hanoi.

Ingredients for 06 pax
2 oz (60g) dried rice stick noodles
4 cups beef stock
½ onion—finely chopped
1 teaspoon finely grated fresh ginger
2 tablespoons hoisin sauce
1 tablespoon fish sauce
½ teaspoon ground black pepper
½ teaspoon five-spice powder
1 cup bean sprouts
1 scallion (spring onion)—thinly sliced
5 oz (150g) very thinly sliced bite-sized lean beef
1 tablespoon lemon juice
fresh cilantro (coriander) leaves and strips of fresh red chili, to garnish 

How to cook

SOAK the noodles in boiling water for 10 minutes.
PLACE the stock, onion, ginger, hoisin and fish sauce, black pepper and five-spice powder in saucepan. BRING to the boil, cover and simmer over a medium heat for 10 minutes. DRAIN the noodles and place equal amounts into two soup bowls. PLACE equal amounts of the sprouts, scallion and beef slices on top of the noodles. POUR over the boiling stock to cover and allow to stand for a minute to poach (ensuring the beef is immersed). SERVE the soup drizzled with lemon juice and garnished with cilantro leaves and chili strips on top.

 Variations:Use thinly sliced firm tofu or smoked salmon instead of beef.
Tips: To help cut the beef into paper-thin slices, place the meat in the freezer for about 30 minutes to firm up before slicing with a very sharp knife.

Pho (Rice noodle soup)

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