How to apply Denmark visa in Tbilisi, Georgia:
Most of people are obliged to obtain a Visa before visiting Denmark. They can apply directly from consulate of Denmark in Tbilisi or apply online to get Visa.
Denmark consulate in Tbilisi, Georgia ContactRepresented: | Denmark |
Country Located in: | Georgia |
City: | Tbilisi |
Address: | Danish Consulate Irakli Abashidze 58 Tbilisi Georgia |
Phone: | (+995) (32) 250 195 |
Fax: | (+995) (32) 250 603 |
Website: | |
Email: | [email protected] |
Office hours: | |
Check all requirements of denmark visa:
Danish tourist visa requirements for Georgia (Georgian): required
Danish business visa requirements for Georgia (Georgian): required
Requirement for Denmark visa application:
– Valid national passport or other valid travel identification.
– Two passport photos. The photo must be 35 mm x 45 mm (size of head 30-36 mm from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head). You must be facing the camera directly.
– An invitation, if possible, from your reference in Denmark, with information about the persons you will visit, as well as name and address, purpose of your visit, and a description of the relationship between you and your reference in Denmark.
– Information about CPR number and Alien Identification number (if applicable) of your reference in Denmark.
Cost of Denmark visa:
Most embassies and consulates charge a €60 (about DKK 450) fee.
How to visit tbilisi, Georgia from denmark ?
Coming soon
How long to make Denmark visa :
10-12 days
Require time valid of Denmark visa:
maximum of 90 days per 6 months
How to fly directly from denmark to tbilisi, Georgia?
There is not any direct flight from tbilisi to denmark
Map of consulate of denmark in tbilisi, Georgia (where is denmark consulate in tbilisi, Georgia located?)
Maybe This is no exact imformation for consulate of denmark in tbilisi, If you know about information, Please contact us for this update. Thank for your help.