How to apply United Kingdom visa in Tbilisi, Georgia:
Most of people are obliged to obtain a Visa before visiting United Kingdom. They can apply directly from embassy of United Kingdom in Tbilisi or apply online to get Visa.
United Kingdom embassy in Tbilisi, Georgia ContactRepresented: | United Kingdom |
Country Located in: | Georgia |
City: | Tbilisi |
Address: | British Embassy GMT Plaza 4 Freedom Square Tbilisi Georgia |
Phone: | (+995) (32) 27 47 47 |
Fax: | (+995) (32) 27 47 92 |
Website: | |
Email: | [email protected] |
Office hours: | Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m |
Check all requirements of united kingdom visa:
British tourist visa requirements for Georgia (Georgian): required
British business visa requirements for Georgia (Georgian): required
Requirement for United Kingdom visa application:
– a letter from your employer granting leave of absence from your job for a specified period. The letter should also say how long you have been employed by that employer, in what job(s) and should indicate when you are expected back at work;
– if you are self-employed, evidence of your business activities and financial standing;
– evidence of any property you own in your home country;
– if you are a student, a letter from your school or college stating which course you are on, its start and finish dates and the dates of the holiday period during which you intend to visit the United Kingdom;
– it will also help if you can show that you have family or social ties and responsibilities to return to;
– evidence of any firm travel plans you have made;
– bank statements going back over a period of several months; and
– evidence of savings available to you.
Cost of United Kingdom visa:
Category – Visit Single and multiple, valid up to 6 months £70
Longer term visit up to 2 years £230
Longer term visit up to 5 years £420
Longer term visit up to 10 years £610
Family up to 6 months £70
Business up to 6 months £70
Marriage/civil partnership £70
Medical treatment £70
Student visitor, up to 6 months £70
Child visitor up to 6 months £70
Agreed Destination Scheme (ADS), up to 30 days only £65
Joining ship/aircraft £47
Transit £47
Direct Airside Transit (DAT) £47
Visit Overseas Territory £44.
Category: Study
Student up to 3 years £220
Chevening Scholarship Free
British Marshall Scholarship Free
Fulbright Scholarship Free
Chevening Fellowship Free
Exchange student £99
Resitting exams £99
Sabbatical Officer £99
Student dependant £99
Parent of a child at school £205.
Category: Employment
Clinical attachment and dental observation £205
PLAB Test £205
Postgraduate doctor £205
Postgraduate dentist £205
Work Permit Holder £205
Highly Skilled Migrant Programme (HSMP) £205
Training and work experience (TWES) £205
Overseas qualified nurse/midwife £205
Work permit dependant £205.
How to visit tbilisi, Georgia from united kingdom ?
Coming soon
How long to make United Kingdom visa :
Require time valid of United Kingdom visa:
Generally visit visas are valid for 6 months. But they can be issued for longer, for 1,2,5 or 10 years.
How to fly directly from united kingdom to tbilisi, Georgia?
There is not any direct flight from tbilisi to united kingdom
Map of embassy of united kingdom in tbilisi, Georgia (where is united kingdom embassy in tbilisi, Georgia located?)
Maybe This is no exact imformation for embassy of united kingdom in tbilisi, If you know about information, Please contact us for this update. Thank for your help.